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Records Request

Records Request Policy
​Colorado Open Records Act - CORA
Request for records response policy
North Fork Pool, Park and Recreation District

Submission Process – Requests for copies of records must be made in writing and may be submitted via Email to: or mailed to North Fork Pool, Park and Recreation District, P.O. Box 2093, Hotchkiss, CO. 81419. The requestor must submit name, address, and phone number along with the request.

HIPAA-Related Requests – Documents requested that include personal information of employees such as social security numbers, health-related information, addresses, and the like, are not considered public information and will not be distributed to outside sources.

Research and Retrieval Fee – Research & retrieval of documents is free for the first hour, subsequent hours will be charged at a rate of $41.37/hour. $.15/page will be charged for document Photocopies. All fees must be received before documents are released or mailed.

Delivery Options – Documents may be delivered via regular mail or Email, whichever is deemed to be more convenient by the District Administrator, and will be delivered within 10 business days of request whenever possible.